MediaWiki API result

This is the HTML representation of the JSON format. HTML is good for debugging, but is unsuitable for application use.

Specify the format parameter to change the output format. To see the non-HTML representation of the JSON format, set format=json.

See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

    "batchcomplete": "",
    "query": {
        "allmessages": [
                "name": "ipb-block-not-found",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-block-not-found",
                "*": "Blockeringen kunde inte genomf\u00f6ras, men ingen befintlig blockering hittades f\u00f6r \"$1\". Om detta problem kvarst\u00e5r, var god [ rapportera det]."
                "name": "ipb-blockingself",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-blockingself",
                "*": "Du h\u00e5ller p\u00e5 att blockera dig sj\u00e4lv! \u00c4r du s\u00e4ker p\u00e5 att du vill g\u00f6ra det?"
                "name": "ipb-blocklist",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-blocklist",
                "*": "Visa g\u00e4llande blockeringar"
                "name": "ipb-blocklist-contribs",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-blocklist-contribs",
                "*": "Bidrag fr\u00e5n {{GENDER:$1|$1}}"
                "name": "ipb-blocklist-duration-left",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-blocklist-duration-left",
                "*": "$1 kvar"
                "name": "ipb-change-block",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-change-block",
                "*": "\u00c5terblockera anv\u00e4ndaren med de h\u00e4r inst\u00e4llningarna"
                "name": "ipb-confirm",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-confirm",
                "*": "Bekr\u00e4fta blockering"
                "name": "ipb-confirmaction",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-confirmaction",
                "*": "Markera f\u00e4ltet \"{{int:ipb-confirm}}\" l\u00e4ngst ned om du \u00e4r s\u00e4ker p\u00e5 att du verkligen vill g\u00f6ra det."
                "name": "ipb-confirmhideuser",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-confirmhideuser",
                "*": "Du \u00e4r p\u00e5 v\u00e4g att blockera en anv\u00e4ndare med \"d\u00f6lj anv\u00e4ndare\" aktiverat. Detta kommer upph\u00e4va anv\u00e4ndarens namn i alla listor och loggar. \u00c4r du s\u00e4ker p\u00e5 att du vill g\u00f6ra det?"
                "name": "ipb-default-expiry",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-default-expiry",
                "*": ""
                "name": "ipb-default-expiry-ip",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-default-expiry-ip",
                "*": ""
                "name": "ipb-disableusertalk",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-disableusertalk",
                "*": "Redigera sin egen diskussionssida"
                "name": "ipb-edit-dropdown",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-edit-dropdown",
                "*": "Redigera blockeringsanledningar"
                "name": "ipb-empty-block",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-empty-block",
                "*": "Den inskickade blockeringen har inte n\u00e5gra aktiverade begr\u00e4nsningar."
                "name": "ipb-hardblock",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-hardblock",
                "*": "Till\u00e4mpa blockeringen p\u00e5 inloggade anv\u00e4ndare fr\u00e5n den h\u00e4r IP-adressen"
                "name": "ipb-namespaces-label",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-namespaces-label",
                "*": "Namnrymder"
                "name": "ipb-needreblock",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-needreblock",
                "*": "$1 \u00e4r redan blockerad. Vill du \u00e4ndra inst\u00e4llningarna?"
                "name": "ipb-otherblocks-header",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-otherblocks-header",
                "*": "{{PLURAL:$1|Annan blockering|Andra blockeringar}}"
                "name": "ipb-pages-label",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-pages-label",
                "*": "Sidor"
                "name": "ipb-partial",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-partial",
                "*": "Partiell"
                "name": "ipb-partial-help",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-partial-help",
                "*": "Specifika sidor eller namnrymder."
                "name": "ipb-prevent-user-talk-edit",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-prevent-user-talk-edit",
                "*": "Att kunna redigera sin egen diskussionssida m\u00e5ste till\u00e5tas f\u00f6r en partiell blockering, om inte den inneh\u00e5ller en begr\u00e4nsning f\u00f6r anv\u00e4ndardiskussionsnamnrymden."
                "name": "ipb-sitewide",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-sitewide",
                "*": "Hela webbplatsen"
                "name": "ipb-sitewide-help",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-sitewide-help",
                "*": "Alla sidor p\u00e5 wikin och alla andra bidrags\u00e5tg\u00e4rder."
                "name": "ipb-unblock",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-unblock",
                "*": "Ta bort blockering av en anv\u00e4ndare eller IP-adress"
                "name": "ipb-unblock-addr",
                "normalizedname": "ipb-unblock-addr",
                "*": "Ta bort blockering av $1"